The Carter Family The Carter Family - When Silver Threads Are Gold Again

Darlin', we are growing old
And show the silver in our hair
Since time has stolen all the gold
That made your youthful tresses fair
But years can never steal away
A look that never can grow old
What care we for tresses gray
Since love will always keep its gold

Love, I'll tell you with a kiss
If Heaven gives back the youth we miss
Your face will be no fairer then
When silver threads are gold again

Darlin', I can read today
The question in your thoughtful eyes
You wonder if I wish for May
Beneath the frosty autumn skies
Love of mine, be sure of this
For me, no face could be so fair
Than this one that I stoop to kiss
Beneath its crown of silver hair

Darlin', with your hand in mine
We'll journey all life's pathway through
With happy tears your dear eyes shine
Like deep blue blossoms in the dew
The sorrow of the passing years
Have made us love each other more
And every day that disappears
I count you dearer than before

Love, I'll tell you with a kiss
If Heaven gives back the youth we miss
Your face will be no fairer then
When silver threads are gold again